Over ten years ago my brother shoved a book in my hand and told me to read it; that book was 'Wizards First Rule', and it has become my best book all time, it's author, Terry Goodkind, has become my favourite author, and I don't even like fantasy books (except his of course).
It told the story of an ordinary man, who, in assisting a damsel in distress came to discover innate skills in himself, and a whole new world he had never known existed opened up. It had intirgue, mysery, a forbidden romance, and I was hooked from the very first line.
Roll forward to the current day and I find the mere mention of the words 'new book' bring the worst out in me. I'm like a kid at christmas right now, counting down the days to the 2nd July when I can go online and order the new book.
Terry Goodkind made a decision to release the book on ebook only, having written and edited it himself, and thus allowed his fanbase access to the story far earlier than his publishers would have allowed it and I can not wait.
The new book is called 'The First Confessor', and is a prequel (which I confess to not normally liking, but I'm convinved this book will change my mind). It's hard to explain what all the excitement is about, but if you've followed this series you'll understand without me having to say anything anyway.
I personally can not wait to read it because I'm convinced it will not only answer the questions left unanswered in the series, but it will open a doorway to more questions.
My boys are away to a week's camp on the 2nd, so woe betide anyone who disturbs me mid-read...