Friday, 22 June 2012

My writer's blog

In the aftermath of completing Open University course A215 (Creative Writing) I have myself at a loose end, I have never enjoyed a course quite so much, and couldn't wait to sign up to the advanced creative writing course, but why should I stop there?

After a lot of thinking and researching the OU website I decided to change my degree to English literature with creative writing. I wasn't really enjoying the Childhood and Youth degree, especially after discovering I'd have to sit two exams, and I don't 'do' exams.

I've even gone as far as to look at Creative Writing Master Courses (bearing in mind I still have four years of my degree to go), and was amazed by how many universities offered them, so I have a long term goal (finances allowing), but I'm still at a loose end.

I have two books to read on story structure and plot that my A215 tutor recommended, two books on writing academic essays (one on getting a first - I wish), two set books for my other course and I'm doing CampNaNoWriMo in which I'm meant to be writing a 50k novel this month, but I still feel so hyper; I've never felt like this after a course and can't seem to sit down for more than five minutes...

So I've started a blog that I can link to my facebook page and intend to chart my progress through my degree, a masters, and a publishing deal (I like to dream), so here it is...enjoy.
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone

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