Wednesday, 26 September 2012

And so it begins...

I'm having ever such an exciting day. My Open university course sites opened today - both of them - and it was great to log in and click all the links; it's like going to that first day at school. You have your new pens and pencils, your new bag and accessories, and...well, the OU had a shiny new website for us, all updated with the information on the left hand side now on the right (just to confuse me).

I found out who my two tutors are for AA100 (Arts past and present) and A363 (Advanced Creative Writing), so of course, I had to go and 'google' them and see who they are, and what their academic achievements were and, well, lets just say I wasn't the only one playing detective.

So my first tutorial is on the 6th October (the day AA100 starts), so I'm not sure if that's a mistake or I have a super eager tutor who is as excited as us students. I'm really looking forward to it and will be taking my new pens and pencils and notebooks.

I think the editing might take a backseat though (sshhh don't tell Woosha), I'm itching to get those books read now and get my lovely new desk cleared of all the rubbish I deposited on it over the holidays. I shall continue the editing of course but this is an important year for me (so I may not meet that submission deadline), I'm doing a level three and to achieve a pass 2 (B grade), but haven;t a single story in my head at the moment.

So wish me luck, because I'm ever so nervous at doing such a high level course (and hoping I can look back at this post at the end of May and laugh at myself)

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

And the studying continues...

In just a few days now I'll be resuming my studying with the Open University. I've had far too much fun over the holidays and really need to knuckle down with some pre-reading material.

After finishing A215 (Creative Writing) I has weeks ahead of me - weeks!

I ordered the recommended books my tutor advised I read for the Advanced Creative Writing course and what did I do with them? I put them on a shelf and forgot about them. I did Campnanowrimo (twice), I went on a couple of camping trips with the boys, went shopping, watched some movies - what I didn't do was read.

And now I don't have time. I'm trying to edit one of my books for submissions to...well I can't remember who, but the cut off is on 14th October and I still have 50,000 words to wade through, most of which needing a complete rewrite. It means I'll be starting my two courses late (nothing strange there) and then playing catch up.

So that's where I'm up to, and I figured that as everyone else is religiously writing on their blogs I should at least write a post (so I can hold my head up and say I'm up to date with blogging - for the time being at least). 

Speak to you again in about six months.