Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Writing day (TMA5)

TMA5 for my advanced creative writing course required the crafting of a 2,500 word story/poem/life writing. I chose the story option of course, the writing of which was easy once I thought my idea up, it's the getting it up to a high (grade) level that's tricky.

This isn't helped by the fact I decided to change the point of view (POV) from third person to first, but I think it reads better and has a little more character than it did. I'll maybe share the two when this one's marked, which will be a huge step for me as I don't share any of my writing.

So, that was me today. Half a day to do the first two paragraphs and then I was off, although my voice appears to have disappeared and reverted to 'proper' english - a task for tomorrow when I've finished changing the POV around.
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Monday, 25 February 2013

My to do list...

With only three months left of my Open University Advanced Creative Writing, it's time to start looking ahead at what I want to do, so I figured I would do a little to do list (to work my way through).

I already have a Facebook Author Page and Twitter account, but think I should start thinking about getting an author website, or the domain at least, so that should go on my to do list.

I suppose it might help if I did a little more blogging as well, so that's another one for the list.

The most important one though, is editing. I have five unedited books, and should really start thinking about editing at least one of them. Then I can sit back and see how many rejection letters/emails I can collect (as I cling to the knowledge that many great authors didn't get accepted first/second/third etc time round).

There is of course self-publishing, but I think it would be cowardly to not at least try the traditional publishing houses, plus, there's an awful lot of self-marketing if I choose this option. You get out what you put in and all that.

I haven't quite finished with my degree though, so in the midst of all this, I still have two courses to complete with the Open University; Reading and understanding Literature (A230), and Shakespeare: Text and Performance (AA306) - both these have exams, so we'll see how I get on. If I can do them though, I will have a BA (Honours) English Literature (with the possibility of going on to do a Masters in Creative Writing, and it is a possibility if I maintain the 2.1 grade I'm so far predicted).

Anyway, back to the present. I am officially a published author. My short story, 'Sanctuary', can be read in InkPantry Publishing's Sea of Ink, so I've made a start...

Oh, and I need more followers. Two just isn't enough :)