I've spent the last couple of days reading my way through 'Story - substance, structure, style and the principles of screenwriting' by Robert McKee.
I forced myself to read through part one, as I found it a little boring, but by part two I was fascinated with just how much needs to go into writing a screenplay, and I have to say this writing lark is much more complicated than just picking up a pen and writing.
So what I have learned from it so far?
Well, I've learned that I have to earn the respect of the audience (if I ever get around to writing a screenplay), that I can't fool them by not following the principles of particular genres and that there is a set pattern of acts, scenes and sequences that must be followed by an amazing climax to the story - and if I fail to do that, then I've wasted my time.
Research is not procrastination.
Research is not procrastination.
Research is not procrastination.
I've written that three times because when I do research I do tend to get a little carried away, so I must remember that research is not procrastination.
It's a good book all in all, I'm still only a third of the way through it, and although it's a little repetitive, the style of his writing is drumming key elements into my head (not an easy task by any means). A large majority of the book is now pink (I like pink highlighters the best), so I can go back to key sections as and when I need to.
I'm glad I've started reading it anyway, and hope to complete it before the course starts on Saturday. I am so nervous about starting this course as the ideas department inside my head appears to still be on holiday, but hopefully this book and the course book will resolve that little issue.
My first tutor marked assignment is due in on the 1st November - might sound a long way off but it's not - and I have my first AA100 tutorial on Saturday as well, so it's all go, go, go from here on in.
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