I'm not going to post anymore studying diary entries on here as I am far too busy studying - hahaha - but if you are interested in seeing how I got on in my first week than you can have a look here: Inkpantry: Diary of a Creative Writing Student
It's the first writing I've had 'published' online, and although I've contributed to the set up of Inkpantry it was lovely to be asked to do the first week's diary. As you can see I've sort of raced through three weeks of work, but that's because I love writing so much - it doesn't happen on my academic courses, trust me.
Please do have a read, especially if you're interested in studying with the Open University, which is great - and addictive.
Sunday, 14 October 2012
Diary of a creative writing student
Monday, 8 October 2012
Day 2 and 3
Obviously I am that organised I forgot to do my day 2 blog post yesterday, so I'm afraid you're getting day 2 and 3 together:
Yesterday I finished reading 'Story' by Robert McKee, and can I just say what a great book it is. I turned the first page feeling extrememly motivated and ready to start my first Hollywood blockbuster...and then I opened my A363 book and came down to earth with a bump. To say I'm struggling is putting it mildly. There doesn't seem to be much teaching in chapter one - more showing.
Still, I've enjoyed doing a couple of the activities and will return to this chapter tomorrow.
I haven't touched AA100 books yet, not have I made up a study plan, bit it's only day 3, so there's loads of time for that.
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Yesterday I finished reading 'Story' by Robert McKee, and can I just say what a great book it is. I turned the first page feeling extrememly motivated and ready to start my first Hollywood blockbuster...and then I opened my A363 book and came down to earth with a bump. To say I'm struggling is putting it mildly. There doesn't seem to be much teaching in chapter one - more showing.
Still, I've enjoyed doing a couple of the activities and will return to this chapter tomorrow.
I haven't touched AA100 books yet, not have I made up a study plan, bit it's only day 3, so there's loads of time for that.
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Saturday, 6 October 2012
Day One of 2012/13 Study
I was up at seven this morning, feeling very much like a
kid at Christmas - why? - well, because my course sites were live today, and even
before I had my first cup of tea I was logging in to see the message my A363
tutor had written and then it hit me - I'm doing a level 3 with a focus on something
I've never done before in my life (screen writing), and I came to the conclusion that I'm off my head.
a moment of panic as I do a virtual run to Facebook for
reassurance, only to discover a lot of my fellow students feeling
exactly the same way,
but there's no time for this, I've a tutorial for AA100 at 11am and a
ten year old who thinks he's surgically attached to the computer. I
ended up rushing around the house getting him (and myself) ready.
Anyway, I made it to the bus stop at my intended time,
only to get into Paisley too early, still, it gave me the opportunity to nip into the pound shop
and stock up on notebook essentials.
found the University entrance and go to the scheduled
room, only to discover ten minutes later that there are two rooms with
the same
number, but still, I got there in the end and had a great tutorial. It
was more of a get to know you tutorial than anything else, and was
pleasant, as I had forgotten how less stressful level one's are - the
actual reading of the course work doesn't start until next Saturday,
whereas A363 (the level 3) has an immediate start. The tutor
seems really nice and approachable, and I feel rather motivated.
Friday, 5 October 2012
Yet another post
I really do need to get in the habit of writing everyday, so here I am, talking to myself on the big wide world web, LOL.
I've been reading some more of 'Story' by Robert McKee, and have been doing some freewriting/talking to myself about possible stories for the first assignment that's due on 1st November - a 1500 story that I'll have to adapt to a short play/screenplay for the next one, concentrating on dramatic techniques.
Talking of 'Story' I've been reading up on what a 'protagonist' means in far more detail than I ever have, and have been learning more about the design that goes into a story.
I even read eight pages of the text book, which is rather impressive for me, and think I'm definitely going to finish 'Story' as it's much more intense.
I'm going to keep a diary for the first week on study - I'll tell you why later - but it'll be good to look back on and remind myself how excited I was.
I've done very little on the editing side of things, although I am at the start of chapter three, I can't let my book take precedence over my course.
Tomorrow morning, I'll be like a little kid when I log on to the course website (which opens tomorrow). I'll get to see who's in my group and then I'll write, write, write...
I've been reading some more of 'Story' by Robert McKee, and have been doing some freewriting/talking to myself about possible stories for the first assignment that's due on 1st November - a 1500 story that I'll have to adapt to a short play/screenplay for the next one, concentrating on dramatic techniques.
Talking of 'Story' I've been reading up on what a 'protagonist' means in far more detail than I ever have, and have been learning more about the design that goes into a story.
I even read eight pages of the text book, which is rather impressive for me, and think I'm definitely going to finish 'Story' as it's much more intense.
I'm going to keep a diary for the first week on study - I'll tell you why later - but it'll be good to look back on and remind myself how excited I was.
I've done very little on the editing side of things, although I am at the start of chapter three, I can't let my book take precedence over my course.
Tomorrow morning, I'll be like a little kid when I log on to the course website (which opens tomorrow). I'll get to see who's in my group and then I'll write, write, write...
Thursday, 4 October 2012
Some pre-course reading (better late than never)
I've spent the last couple of days reading my way through 'Story - substance, structure, style and the principles of screenwriting' by Robert McKee.
I forced myself to read through part one, as I found it a little boring, but by part two I was fascinated with just how much needs to go into writing a screenplay, and I have to say this writing lark is much more complicated than just picking up a pen and writing.
So what I have learned from it so far?
Well, I've learned that I have to earn the respect of the audience (if I ever get around to writing a screenplay), that I can't fool them by not following the principles of particular genres and that there is a set pattern of acts, scenes and sequences that must be followed by an amazing climax to the story - and if I fail to do that, then I've wasted my time.
Research is not procrastination.
Research is not procrastination.
Research is not procrastination.
I've written that three times because when I do research I do tend to get a little carried away, so I must remember that research is not procrastination.
It's a good book all in all, I'm still only a third of the way through it, and although it's a little repetitive, the style of his writing is drumming key elements into my head (not an easy task by any means). A large majority of the book is now pink (I like pink highlighters the best), so I can go back to key sections as and when I need to.
I'm glad I've started reading it anyway, and hope to complete it before the course starts on Saturday. I am so nervous about starting this course as the ideas department inside my head appears to still be on holiday, but hopefully this book and the course book will resolve that little issue.
My first tutor marked assignment is due in on the 1st November - might sound a long way off but it's not - and I have my first AA100 tutorial on Saturday as well, so it's all go, go, go from here on in.
I forced myself to read through part one, as I found it a little boring, but by part two I was fascinated with just how much needs to go into writing a screenplay, and I have to say this writing lark is much more complicated than just picking up a pen and writing.
So what I have learned from it so far?
Well, I've learned that I have to earn the respect of the audience (if I ever get around to writing a screenplay), that I can't fool them by not following the principles of particular genres and that there is a set pattern of acts, scenes and sequences that must be followed by an amazing climax to the story - and if I fail to do that, then I've wasted my time.
Research is not procrastination.
Research is not procrastination.
Research is not procrastination.
I've written that three times because when I do research I do tend to get a little carried away, so I must remember that research is not procrastination.
It's a good book all in all, I'm still only a third of the way through it, and although it's a little repetitive, the style of his writing is drumming key elements into my head (not an easy task by any means). A large majority of the book is now pink (I like pink highlighters the best), so I can go back to key sections as and when I need to.
I'm glad I've started reading it anyway, and hope to complete it before the course starts on Saturday. I am so nervous about starting this course as the ideas department inside my head appears to still be on holiday, but hopefully this book and the course book will resolve that little issue.
My first tutor marked assignment is due in on the 1st November - might sound a long way off but it's not - and I have my first AA100 tutorial on Saturday as well, so it's all go, go, go from here on in.
Wednesday, 26 September 2012
And so it begins...
I'm having ever such an exciting day. My Open university course sites opened today - both of them - and it was great to log in and click all the links; it's like going to that first day at school. You have your new pens and pencils, your new bag and accessories, and...well, the OU had a shiny new website for us, all updated with the information on the left hand side now on the right (just to confuse me).
I found out who my two tutors are for AA100 (Arts past and present) and A363 (Advanced Creative Writing), so of course, I had to go and 'google' them and see who they are, and what their academic achievements were and, well, lets just say I wasn't the only one playing detective.
So my first tutorial is on the 6th October (the day AA100 starts), so I'm not sure if that's a mistake or I have a super eager tutor who is as excited as us students. I'm really looking forward to it and will be taking my new pens and pencils and notebooks.
I think the editing might take a backseat though (sshhh don't tell Woosha), I'm itching to get those books read now and get my lovely new desk cleared of all the rubbish I deposited on it over the holidays. I shall continue the editing of course but this is an important year for me (so I may not meet that submission deadline), I'm doing a level three and to achieve a pass 2 (B grade), but haven;t a single story in my head at the moment.
So wish me luck, because I'm ever so nervous at doing such a high level course (and hoping I can look back at this post at the end of May and laugh at myself)
I found out who my two tutors are for AA100 (Arts past and present) and A363 (Advanced Creative Writing), so of course, I had to go and 'google' them and see who they are, and what their academic achievements were and, well, lets just say I wasn't the only one playing detective.
So my first tutorial is on the 6th October (the day AA100 starts), so I'm not sure if that's a mistake or I have a super eager tutor who is as excited as us students. I'm really looking forward to it and will be taking my new pens and pencils and notebooks.
I think the editing might take a backseat though (sshhh don't tell Woosha), I'm itching to get those books read now and get my lovely new desk cleared of all the rubbish I deposited on it over the holidays. I shall continue the editing of course but this is an important year for me (so I may not meet that submission deadline), I'm doing a level three and to achieve a pass 2 (B grade), but haven;t a single story in my head at the moment.
So wish me luck, because I'm ever so nervous at doing such a high level course (and hoping I can look back at this post at the end of May and laugh at myself)
Tuesday, 25 September 2012
And the studying continues...
In just a few days now I'll be resuming my studying with the Open University. I've had far too much fun over the holidays and really need to knuckle down with some pre-reading material.
After finishing A215 (Creative Writing) I has weeks ahead of me - weeks!
I ordered the recommended books my tutor advised I read for the Advanced Creative Writing course and what did I do with them? I put them on a shelf and forgot about them. I did Campnanowrimo (twice), I went on a couple of camping trips with the boys, went shopping, watched some movies - what I didn't do was read.
And now I don't have time. I'm trying to edit one of my books for submissions to...well I can't remember who, but the cut off is on 14th October and I still have 50,000 words to wade through, most of which needing a complete rewrite. It means I'll be starting my two courses late (nothing strange there) and then playing catch up.
So that's where I'm up to, and I figured that as everyone else is religiously writing on their blogs I should at least write a post (so I can hold my head up and say I'm up to date with blogging - for the time being at least).
Speak to you again in about six months.
After finishing A215 (Creative Writing) I has weeks ahead of me - weeks!
I ordered the recommended books my tutor advised I read for the Advanced Creative Writing course and what did I do with them? I put them on a shelf and forgot about them. I did Campnanowrimo (twice), I went on a couple of camping trips with the boys, went shopping, watched some movies - what I didn't do was read.
And now I don't have time. I'm trying to edit one of my books for submissions to...well I can't remember who, but the cut off is on 14th October and I still have 50,000 words to wade through, most of which needing a complete rewrite. It means I'll be starting my two courses late (nothing strange there) and then playing catch up.
So that's where I'm up to, and I figured that as everyone else is religiously writing on their blogs I should at least write a post (so I can hold my head up and say I'm up to date with blogging - for the time being at least).
Speak to you again in about six months.
Saturday, 30 June 2012
The First Confessor

Over ten years ago my brother shoved a book in my hand and told me to read it; that book was 'Wizards First Rule', and it has become my best book all time, it's author, Terry Goodkind, has become my favourite author, and I don't even like fantasy books (except his of course).
It told the story of an ordinary man, who, in assisting a damsel in distress came to discover innate skills in himself, and a whole new world he had never known existed opened up. It had intirgue, mysery, a forbidden romance, and I was hooked from the very first line.
Roll forward to the current day and I find the mere mention of the words 'new book' bring the worst out in me. I'm like a kid at christmas right now, counting down the days to the 2nd July when I can go online and order the new book.
Terry Goodkind made a decision to release the book on ebook only, having written and edited it himself, and thus allowed his fanbase access to the story far earlier than his publishers would have allowed it and I can not wait.
The new book is called 'The First Confessor', and is a prequel (which I confess to not normally liking, but I'm convinved this book will change my mind). It's hard to explain what all the excitement is about, but if you've followed this series you'll understand without me having to say anything anyway.
I personally can not wait to read it because I'm convinced it will not only answer the questions left unanswered in the series, but it will open a doorway to more questions.
My boys are away to a week's camp on the 2nd, so woe betide anyone who disturbs me mid-read...
CampNaNoWriMo Challenge completed
Well, it was touch and go as to whether I would manage to complete the challenge but I managed it, and with 50,111 words. So I get to display the coveted winners badge, but I am feeling very proud of myself :)
I rewrote a story I submitted for my Open Univeristy Creative Writing course that I got marked down on for being too big for the word count of 2000 words, and my tutor was right, because I've now written 50k and have had the opportunity to explore the characters as they should be explored.
Now I have to edit it, so could be several years before anything has been done with it. I always start editing with good intentions and then get bored, so will need to be more disciplined I think.
I'd love for this to be a young adult book. It has adventure, mystery and just a touch of romance, as well as the discovery of a dire secret...but I won't say anymore here...I'll save that for my editing zone.
Anyway, here's my badge and I'm very, very proud of myself as I had to write 4-6k words a day to hit the deadline:
I rewrote a story I submitted for my Open Univeristy Creative Writing course that I got marked down on for being too big for the word count of 2000 words, and my tutor was right, because I've now written 50k and have had the opportunity to explore the characters as they should be explored.
Now I have to edit it, so could be several years before anything has been done with it. I always start editing with good intentions and then get bored, so will need to be more disciplined I think.
I'd love for this to be a young adult book. It has adventure, mystery and just a touch of romance, as well as the discovery of a dire secret...but I won't say anymore here...I'll save that for my editing zone.
Anyway, here's my badge and I'm very, very proud of myself as I had to write 4-6k words a day to hit the deadline:

Sunday, 24 June 2012
Well, I think it'll be touch and go as to whether I finish the June Campnano, not helped by the fact that I started twice as I didn't like the first story I was doing.
For those of you that haven't heard about it, CampNaNoWriMo is a challange whereby you write a 50K novel in just thirty days, only I have just seven days left and I just keep getting myself sidetracked so I think it'll be a little touch and go as to whether I finish or not: I have 33,282 words left to write, which equates to 4,755 per day left to write, so wish me luck.
For those of you that haven't heard about it, CampNaNoWriMo is a challange whereby you write a 50K novel in just thirty days, only I have just seven days left and I just keep getting myself sidetracked so I think it'll be a little touch and go as to whether I finish or not: I have 33,282 words left to write, which equates to 4,755 per day left to write, so wish me luck.
Friday, 22 June 2012
My writer's blog
In the aftermath of completing Open University course A215 (Creative Writing) I have myself at a loose end, I have never enjoyed a course quite so much, and couldn't wait to sign up to the advanced creative writing course, but why should I stop there?
After a lot of thinking and researching the OU website I decided to change my degree to English literature with creative writing. I wasn't really enjoying the Childhood and Youth degree, especially after discovering I'd have to sit two exams, and I don't 'do' exams.
I've even gone as far as to look at Creative Writing Master Courses (bearing in mind I still have four years of my degree to go), and was amazed by how many universities offered them, so I have a long term goal (finances allowing), but I'm still at a loose end.
I have two books to read on story structure and plot that my A215 tutor recommended, two books on writing academic essays (one on getting a first - I wish), two set books for my other course and I'm doing CampNaNoWriMo in which I'm meant to be writing a 50k novel this month, but I still feel so hyper; I've never felt like this after a course and can't seem to sit down for more than five minutes...
So I've started a blog that I can link to my facebook page and intend to chart my progress through my degree, a masters, and a publishing deal (I like to dream), so here it is...enjoy.
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone
After a lot of thinking and researching the OU website I decided to change my degree to English literature with creative writing. I wasn't really enjoying the Childhood and Youth degree, especially after discovering I'd have to sit two exams, and I don't 'do' exams.
I've even gone as far as to look at Creative Writing Master Courses (bearing in mind I still have four years of my degree to go), and was amazed by how many universities offered them, so I have a long term goal (finances allowing), but I'm still at a loose end.
I have two books to read on story structure and plot that my A215 tutor recommended, two books on writing academic essays (one on getting a first - I wish), two set books for my other course and I'm doing CampNaNoWriMo in which I'm meant to be writing a 50k novel this month, but I still feel so hyper; I've never felt like this after a course and can't seem to sit down for more than five minutes...
So I've started a blog that I can link to my facebook page and intend to chart my progress through my degree, a masters, and a publishing deal (I like to dream), so here it is...enjoy.
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone
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